S.S. Abdurakipov

6 records found

Using Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) we study a turbulent round swirling jet issuing from an axially rotating pipe at Reynolds number Re b =5300
Reb=5300 based on the bulk velocity U b
Ub and diameter D of the pipe flow.@en
We perform a finely resolved Large-eddy simulation to study coherent vortical structures populating the initial (near-nozzle) zone of a pipe jet at the Reynolds number of 5300. In contrast to ‘top-hat’ jets featured by Kelvin-Helmholtz rings with the non-dimensional frequency St≈ ...
Mixing characteristics and coherent structures populating the near-nozzle area of a rotating-pipe jet at the Reynolds number of 5300 were studied by Large-eddy simulation (LES). The swirl rate, defined as the ratio of the tangential velocity of the inner pipe wall to the bulk axi ...
Abstract The efficiency of modern methods of experimental hydromechanics for determining local and global instability modes in turbulent flows is demonstrated. The particle image velocimetry technique and the method of dynamic mode decomposition for the analysis of instantaneous ...