M.F.P. ten Eikelder
10 records found
Over the last decades, many diffuse-interface Navier-Stokes Cahn-Hilliard (NSCH) models with non-matching densities have appeared in the literature. These models claim to describe the same physical phenomena, yet they are distinct from one another. The overarching objective of th
We show that in the variational multiscale framework, the weak enforcement of essential boundary conditions via Nitsche's method corresponds directly to a particular choice of projection operator. The consistency, symmetry and penalty terms of Nitsche's method all originate from
Two well-established classes of the interface capturing models are the level-set and phase-field models. Level-set formulations satisfy the maximum principle for the density but are not energy-stable. On the other hand, phase-field models do satisfy the second law of thermodynami
This paper presents a novel variational formulation to simulate linear free-surface flow. The variational formulation is suitable for higher-order finite elements and higher-order and higher-continuity shape functions as employed in Isogeometric Analysis (IGA). The novel formulat
Entropy Foundations for Stabilized Finite Element Isogeometric Methods
Energy Dissipation, Variational Multiscale Analysis, Variation Entropy, Discontinuity Capturing and Free Surface Flows
Numerical procedures and simulation techniques in science and engineering have progressed significantly during the last decades. The finite element method plays an important role in this development and has gained popularity in many fields including fluid mechanics. A recent fini
A theoretical framework for discontinuity capturing
Joining variational multiscale analysis and variation entropy theory
In this paper we show that the variational multiscale method together with the variation entropy concept form the underlying theoretical framework of discontinuity capturing. The variation entropy [M.F.P. ten Eikelder and I. Akkerman, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 355 (2019)
Variation entropy
A continuous local generalization of the TVD property using entropy principles
This paper presents the notion of a variation entropy. This concept is an entropy framework for the gradient of the solution of a conservation law instead of on the solution itself. It appears that all semi-norms are admissible variation entropies. This provides insight into the
Toward free-surface flow simulations with correct energy evolution
An isogeometric level-set approach with monolithic time-integration
This paper presents a new monolithic free-surface formulation that exhibits correct kinetic and potential energy behavior. We focus in particular on the temporal energy behavior of two-fluids flow with varying densities. Correct energy behavior here means that the actual energy e
This paper presents the construction of novel stabilized finite element methods in the convective–diffusive context that exhibit correct-energy behavior. Classical stabilized formulations can create unwanted artificial energy. Our contribution corrects this undesired property by
This paper presents the construction of a correct-energy stabilized finite element method for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. The framework of the methodology and the correct-energy concept have been developed in the convective–diffusive context in the preceding paper