Guangzhou is one of the most typical metropolitan cities in the Great Bay Area (GBA). The fast development contributes to massive urban construction in a relatively short time. However, the development prosperity comes at the expense of green space. The problems of green space le
Guangzhou is one of the most typical metropolitan cities in the Great Bay Area (GBA). The fast development contributes to massive urban construction in a relatively short time. However, the development prosperity comes at the expense of green space. The problems of green space lead to lower resilient capacity, which means higher flooding risks and more environmental problems. Under this condition, making the city more resilient, livable, eco-friendly, and sustainable becomes a public concern and a big challenge in Guangzhou.
This project proposes to design a landscape-nature network in Guangzhou, which takes into account green, blue, recreation, historical remains, and slow traffic systems. The design will use landscape approaches to strengthen urban resilience against climate change. First, the research will interpret the site from the perspective of time and space, with an understanding of historical development and the current landscape system. Then, learning from the case study of Boston Metropolitan Park and the historical wisdom of managing water and green could help to conclude principles and strategies for designing a Guangzhou Metropolitan Park. The design exploration will apply different strategies and principles on regional, meso, and local scales. The green patches inside the city will be preserved and more connections will be created. Moreover, nature and landscape areas, including green space and blue system, historical areas, recreation spots, and urban networks will be managed to co-exist with each other coherently.
The creation of a landscape-nature network will provide more benefits for the city through landscape design. It aims to create a social-ecological inclusive and futureproof Guangzhou and also has the potential to become an inspiration for other metropolitan cities.