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E Frijters
Academic Work (10)
Book (3)
Book chapter (5)
Journal article (2)
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10 records found
Stedelijk Metabolisme, duurzame ontwikkeling van Rotterdam
Book (2014) -
Nico M.J.D. Tillie (author)
O. Klijn (author)
E Frijters (author)
J Borsboom (author)
M Looije (author)
Urban Metabolism, sustainable development in Rotterdam
Book (2014) -
Nico Tillie (author)
O. Klijn (author)
E Frijters (author)
J Borsboom (author)
M Looije (author)
DF Sijmons (author)
Relaxed private commissioning
Book chapter (2013) -
E Frijters (author)
O. Klijn (author)
Relaxed particulier opdrachtgeverschap
Book chapter (2013) -
E Frijters (author)
O. Klijn (author)
Luxury architectuur: simplicity and wealth (luxe architectuur: eenvoud en rijkdom)
Book chapter (2012) -
O. Klijn (author)
E Frijters (author)
Junk Space You Need. Interview with Alex van de Beld, Onix Architecten
Book chapter (2010) -
O. Klijn (author)
E Frijters (author)
Royal Tichelaar Makkum
Book chapter (2009) -
H Jongerius (author)
E King (author)
J Bey (author)
A van Slobbe (author)
GJ beumer (author)
O. Klijn (author)
E Frijters (author)
Terug naar de kust
Journal article (2009) -
O. Klijn (author)
E Frijters (author)
Architect by Accident
Book (2008) -
O. Klijn (author)
GJ van 't Veen (author)
E Frijters (author)
A Sondervan (author)
De opgave van morgen
Journal article (2008) -
O. Klijn (author)
E Frijters (author)