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AE Dommelen
Academic Work (25)
Conference paper (11)
Journal article (4)
Report (10)
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25 records found
APT testing and visco-elastic analysis of asphalt motorway pavements
Conference paper (2004) -
PM Muraya (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
LINTRACK onderzoek ondersteunt versnelde implementatie innovatieve verhardingsconcepten modulair wegdek
Conference paper (2004) -
J Kooij, van der (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
A.A.A. Molenaar (author)
L.J.M. Houben (author)
LinTrack APT research supports accelerated implementation of innovative pavement concepts in the Netherlands
Conference paper (2004) -
AE Dommelen (author)
J Kooij (author)
L.J.M. Houben (author)
A.A.A. Molenaar (author)
Research into rutting on asphalt motorway pavements
Conference paper (2003) -
L.J.M. Houben (author)
A.A.A. Molenaar (author)
A. Miradi (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
LINTRACK research into rutting of asphalt pavement with cement filled porous asphalt wearing course
Report (2003) -
L.J.M. Houben (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
Asphalt concrete rutting response: a matter of dimensions?
Conference paper (2003) -
S. Erkens (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
J Voskuilen (author)
Visco-elastic analyses of test pavements from LINTRACK ALT rutting research
Conference paper (2003) -
PM Muraya (author)
A.A.A. Molenaar (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
LINTRACK spoorvormingsonderzoek 198-2001
Conference paper (2002) -
L.J.M. Houben (author)
CH Vogelzang (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
Triaxiaal onderzoek bij het LINTRACK spoorvormingsonderzoek 1988-2001
Conference paper (2002) -
L.J.M. Houben (author)
A. Miradi (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
Visco-elastic analyses of test pavements from LINTRACK ALT rutting research
Report (2002) -
PM Muraya (author)
L.J.M. Houben (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
Full scale testing and modelling of permanent deformation in asphalt pavements
Journal article (2002) -
AE Dommelen (author)
L.J.M. Houben (author)
A.A.A. Molenaar (author)
AFHM Visser (author)
Lintrack research into rutting of asphalt concrete test pavement (2001)
Report (2002) -
L.J.M. Houben (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
Lintrack rutting research project - ALT testing program
Conference paper (2002) -
L.J.M. Houben (author)
CH Vogelzang (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
Het beschadigend effect van vrachtwagenbanden
Journal article (2001) -
AE Dommelen (author)
L.J.M. Houben (author)
Full scale testing and modelling of permanent deformation in asphalt pavements
Conference paper (2001) -
AE Dommelen (author)
L.J.M. Houben (author)
A.A.A. Molenaar (author)
AFHM Visser (author)
Cyclic loading triaxial tests 2000/2001 on asphaltic materials of LINTRACK test pavements, measuring report - appendices
Report (2001) -
A. Miradi (author)
L.J.M. Houben (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
Het beschadigend effect van vrachtwagenbanden
Journal article (2001) -
AE Dommelen (author)
L.J.M. Houben (author)
LINTRACK research into rutting of asphalt concrete test pavement 2000
Report (2001) -
L.J.M. Houben (author)
AFHM Visser (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
Cyclic loading triaxial tests 2000/2001 on asphaltic materials of LINTRACK test pavements
Report (2001) -
A. Miradi (author)
L.J.M. Houben (author)
AE Dommelen (author)
Analysis of triaxial test results at 40 C on asphalt samples from LINRACK test section with DAC80/100 wearing course. Contract nr. DWW-1561.
Report (2001) -
AE Dommelen (author)
L.J.M. Houben (author)
A. Miradi (author)