F.A. Dreger
5 records found
How do drivers merge heavy goods vehicles onto freeways?
A semi-structured interview unveiling needs for communication and support
Freeway merging of heavy goods vehicles (HGV) is a safety–critical manoeuvre. However, at present, it is largely unknown how HGV drivers perceive and execute the merging manoeuvre, and how current advanced driver support and automation systems (ADAS) contribute. We performed semi
Behavior-based Predictive Safety Analytics
Pilot study
This report gives an overview of the main findings from the Behavior-based Predictive Safety Analytics – Pilot Study project. The main objective of the project was to investigate the possibilities of developing statistical models predicting individual driver crash involvement bas
This work aimed to organise recommendations for keeping people engaged during human supervision of driving automation, encouraging a safe and acceptable introduction of automated driving systems. First, heuristic knowledge of human factors, ergonomics, and psychological theory wa
Merging sections are challenging for drivers of heavy goods vehicles. Visual support for merging was evaluated in a simulator. Experiment 1 tested HMIs that provided participants (n = 5) driving on the on-ramp with a top view or various forms of speed advice for accelerating behi
The relationship between the Driver Behavior Questionnaire, Sensation Seeking Scale, and recorded crashes
A brief comment on Martinussen et al. (2017) and new data from SHRP2
We provide a brief comment on the work of Martinussen et al. (2017), who studied the relationships between self-reported driving behavior, registered traffic offences, and registered crash involvement. It is argued that if the number of crashes is small, then the correlation with