The Geosynchronous Large Debris Reorbiter concept is an active debris removal method proposed for defunct satellites in geostationary orbit. This method uses the electrostatic tractor (or tug), which is a spacecraft that controls a mutual electrostatic force on a target and uses
The Geosynchronous Large Debris Reorbiter concept is an active debris removal method proposed for defunct satellites in geostationary orbit. This method uses the electrostatic tractor (or tug), which is a spacecraft that controls a mutual electrostatic force on a target and uses this force to slowly accelerate the target towards or away from the tug. The challenging task of station-keeping a few dozen meters away between the tug and the debris spacecraft must be done with thrusters that can only intermittently fire. In between the firing, the electron gun is used to control the tug and debris potential. This research investigates different thruster options and discrete control algorithms for this application of the electrostatic tractor. The objective is to devise and simulate a reliable propulsion system for the geosynchronous large debris reorbiter concept by simulating and analyzing different micro-propulsion thrusting options and developing a discrete thrusting solution using pulsed thrust and active charging control.