
Bas de Boer

11 records found


Glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) has a stabilizing effect on the evolution of the Antarctic ice sheet by reducing the grounding line migration following ice melt. The timescale and strength of this feedback depends on the spatially varying viscosity of the Earth's mantle. Mo ...

The Antarctic mantle, bounded between the core and the Mohorovicǐćdiscontinuity, is one of the most difficult targets of study on Earth because of ice cover and rare outcrops. A multidisciplinary approach is adopted in this volume, using petrology, geochemistry, remote-sensed ...

Imagining digital twins in healthcare

Designing for values as designing for technical milieus

Medicine is increasingly focusing on the prevention of diseases. The digital twin (DT) is considered to be an important technological development for realizing this transition. Broadly speaking, a DT is an in silico representation of an individual that dynamically reflects molecu ...

Setting the Stage

Disgust as an Aesthetic Food Experience

Disgust is commonly understood as an emotion of aversion. However, people seem to eat certain food items not despite containing disgust eliciting features but because of them. In this paper, we introduce the term aesthetic disgust to capture this phenomenon. We outline in our man ...

Co-designing diagnosis

Towards a responsible integration of Machine Learning decision-support systems in medical diagnostics

Rationale: This paper aims to show how the focus on eradicating bias from Machine Learning decision-support systems in medical diagnosis diverts attention from the hermeneutic nature of medical decision-making and the productive role of bias. We want to show how an introductio ...

The Earth’s surface and interior deform due to a changing load of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) during the last glacial cycle, called Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA). This deformation changes the surface height of the ice sheet and indirectly the groundling line position. Thes ...
Obesity has been pointed out as one of the main current health risks leading to calls for a so-called “war on obesity”. As we show in this paper, activities that attempt to counter obesity by persuading people to adjust a specific behavior often employ a pedagogy of regret and di ...
Over glacial-interglacial cycles, the evolution of an ice sheet is influenced by Glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) via two negative feedback loops. Firstly, vertical bedrock deformation due to a changing ice load alters ice-sheet surface elevation. For example, an increasing i ...

MIS 5e relative sea-level changes in the Mediterranean Sea

Contribution of isostatic disequilibrium

Sea-level indicators dated to the Last Interglacial, or Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e, have a twofold value. First, they can be used to constrain the melting of Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets in response to global warming scenarios. Second, they can be used to calculate th ...

Isostatic response of the bedrock, or glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) in included in most ice sheet models. This is important because the surface elevation determines the mass balance and thereby implicitly also the strength of the mass balance feedback where higher surface el ...


Towards Digital Twins in Healthcare

How would a meaningful Digital Twin for the user look like?

Healthcare is starting to change fundamentally. One of the disruptive technologies that can be seen as an enabler for this change is the technology of a Digital Twin (DT). A DT is widely adopted in the field of engineering for predictive maintenance and testing of parameters of p ...