M.D. Klapwijk

10 records found

A new partially averaged Navier-Stokes (PANS) closure is derived based on the k-kL (KSKL) model. The aim of this new model is to incorporate the desirable features of the KSKL model, compared to the k-ω shear stress transport model, into the PANS framework. These features include ...
There is increasing attention for the effects of anthropogenic underwater radiated noise (URN) on marine fauna. This is expected to lead to regulations with respect to the maximum permitted sound emissions of ships. It is known that cavitating tip vortices, generated by ship prop ...
The Delft Twist 11 Hydrofoil is a common test case for investigating the interaction between turbulence and cavitation modelling in computational fluid dynamics. Despite repeated investigations, results reported for the lift and drag coefficient are accompanied by significant unc ...
Increased graphical capabilities of contemporary computer hardware make ray tracing possible for a much wider range of applications. In science, and numerical fluid mechanics in particular, visual inspections still play a key role in both understanding flows, predicted by computa ...
Inflow turbulence is relevant for many engineering applications relating to noise generation, including aircraft wings, landing gears, and non-cavitating marine propellers. While modelling of this phenomenon is well-established for higher Mach number aerospace problems, lower Mac ...
This study evaluates the influence of transition and turbulence modeling on the prediction of wetted and cavitating tip vortices for an elliptical wing, while investigating the numerical errors. Transition modeling increases the quality of numerical predictions since the assumpti ...
Different variable resolution turbulence modelling approaches (Hybrid, Bridging models and LES) are evaluated for turbulent channel flow at Reτ=395, for cases using either streamwise periodic boundary conditions or a synthetic turbulence generator. The effect of iterat ...
Partially Averaged Navier–Stokes computations can employ three different approaches for specifying the ratio of modelled-to-total turbulence kinetic energy fk. Use can be made of either a constant, a spatially- or a spatially- and temporally-varying value. This work compares diff ...
A sensitivity analysis of the transitional flow over a NACA662 - 415 foil and the elliptical Arndt wing is carried out. The SST turbulence model is complemented with the ? - Re ~?t transition model to determine the effect of varying turbulence int ...