Claudia Yamu
17 records found
Regionalization of a national integrated energy system model
A case study of the northern Netherlands
Integrated energy system modeling tools predominantly focus on the (inter)national or local scales. The intermediate level is important from the perspective of regional policy making, particularly for identifying the potentials and constraints of various renewable resources. Addi
In previous chapters, we demonstrated various analytic techniques focusing on the spatial aspects of the built environment. In this chapter, we discuss various methods and techniques for collecting qualitative and quantitative data dealing with human behaviour and how to connect
In this chapter, we discuss the application of space syntax in consultancy for urban planning design and practice. First, we present the scientific challenges to tying general understandings and theories to urban planning and design practice. Some elementary principles for commun
Private and Public Space
Analysing Spatial Relationships Between Buildings and Streets
In this chapter, we discuss and demonstrate how to analyse the urban micro-spatial relationships between private and public spaces. These methods allow one to analyse intervisibility between buildings andstreets, entrance density from buildings towards streets, street constituted
Orientation and Wayfinding
Measuring Visibility
In this chapter, we explain how the analytical logic of space syntax is applied for visibility analysis. In the previous chapter, the focus was on presenting all public spaces as axial sightlines. The individual axial line is a one-dimensional (1D) representation of public space
This open access textbook is a comprehensive introduction to space syntax method and theory for graduate students and researchers. It provides a step-by-step approach for its application in urban planning and design. This textbook aims to increase the accessibility of the space s
This chapter provides an overview of established research traditions in the analysis of physical elements of the built environment. Herein, we address the morphological, place phenomenological, and urban network traditions. Following this, a synopsis about spatial elements applie
In this chapter, we show what and how space syntax has contributed to theories and general knowledge of the built environment. First, we provide an introduction to two established research traditions, positivism and hermeneutics. The aim is to demonstrate through modal logic what
Analysing Linear Spatial Relationships
The Measures of Connectivity, Integration, and Choice
In this chapter, we first explain the concept of an axial line and how the axial map is applied in space syntax. We then discuss the static measure of ‘connectivity’ with its ‘one-step’ to ‘n-step’ logic, including its meaning for axial integration analysis. We further present th
Bill hillier’s legacy
Space syntax—a synopsis of basic concepts, measures, and empirical application
Bill Hillier’s space syntax method and theory enables us to describe the spatial properties of a sustainable city. Empirical testing of the space syntax method over time has confirmed the capacity and innovativeness of analyzing spatial relationships with the purpose of understan
Exploring Challenges in Space Syntax Theory Building
The Use of Positivist and Hermeneutic Explanatory Models
The planning and building of sustainable cities and communities yields operational theories on urban space. The novelty of this paper is that it discusses and explores the challenges for space syntax theory building within two key research traditions: positivism and hermeneutics.
Spatio-syntactical analysis and historical spatial potentials
The case of Jaffa-Tel Aviv
The application of space syntax to the study of urban history-in this case, that of Tel Aviv and Jaffa (present-day Tel Aviv-Yafo)-can add a valuable, quantifiable component to the understanding of urban processes. However, it also demonstrates that historical spatio-syntactical
The socio-spatial development of Jaffa-Tel Aviv
The emergence and fade-away of ethnic divisions and distinctions
This paper examines how a cognitive boundary with no physical presence has affected life in the cities of Jaffa and Tel Aviv, not only during its time of existence (1921-1950) but many decades after it was erased from all official documents. In 1921, the national aspirations of J
Space Syntax
A method to measure urban space related to social, economic and cognitive factors
In the past two decades the space syntax method, developed by Bill Hillier and his colleagues at the University College London, have been applied to urban studies. This method consists of calculating configurative spatial relationships in built environments. In urban analyses, ac
The United Nations Paris agreement of 2015 highlighted the need for urban planning to prevent and contain urban sprawl so as to reduce trip lengths through an efficient distribution of agglomerations and a well-balanced urban pattern distribution, all while considering travel beh