J.I. van Kuijk
30 records found
Hoe makkelijk kun je het maken?
Ontwikkel oplossingen die iedereen wil en kan gebruiken
In dit toegankelijke en lichtvoetige boek leert Jasper van Kuijk je de allerbeste methode om producten, diensten en systemen te ontwikkelen waar iedereen mee uit de voeten kan.
Iedereen heeft te maken met onbegrijpelijke apps, bizar ingewikkelde apparaten of frustrerende IT-s ...
Iedereen heeft te maken met onbegrijpelijke apps, bizar ingewikkelde apparaten of frustrerende IT-s ...
Future mobility systems will likely incorporate more multimodal journeys. These multimodal journeys integrate multiple modes of transport, and their higher future prevalence highlights the importance of paying attention to the modality transfers within journeys. To carefully faci
Public service organizations (PSOs) link on the one hand the government and the law, and on the other hand citizens, via the delivery of public services. Based on the state of the art of standards, principles and processes of human/user-centered service design, we analyze the pra
Developments in sustainability and digitisation outline a future of mobility, with multimodal transport becoming the new normal. Travel modalities will no longer be the focal point of mobility, but passenger experiences and the services that provide these will. In a mobility land
Dreaming of the Travelers’ Experience in 2040
Exploring Governance Strategies and Their Consequences for Personal Mobility Systems
The boundaries between collective and individual transport are fading. Current solutions for payment and planning of trips are suboptimal for journeys that span across individual, collective and shared transport modalities. The discussion around these innovations often tends towa
Drivers of usability in product design practice
Induction of a framework through a case study of three product development projects
In a case study of the development of three electronic consumer products, we traced the origins of usability issues. Based on the data collected, an initial, explanatory framework was induced of important drivers of usability in product design. We conclude that – while usability
Ligt het nou aan mij?
Jasper van Kuijk fileert denkfouten in hedendaags ontwerp
"Eenmansconsumentenbond' Jasper van Kuijk bespreekt al jaren slecht ontworpen producten en diensten. In zijn populaire Hoe moeilijk kan het zijn?-columns in de Volkskrant maakt hij duidelijk wat er mis is gegaan bij het ontwerpen en welke ontwerpprincipes hieraan ten grondslag li
Barriers to and Enablers of Usability in Electronic Consumer Product Development
A Multiple Case Study
This study identified practitioner-reported barriers to and enablers of usability in the development of electronic consumer products. Barriers and enablers are properties, situations, or conditions in the product development process, team, or context that negatively or positively
Optimizing the open payment boundary
Exploration and evaluation of a design strategy for reducing the incidence of missed check-outs when travelling
Hoe moeilijk kan het zijn?
Jasper van Kuijk fileert denkfouten in hedendaags ontwerp
Of het nu gaat om rookmelders, ov-fietsen, beamers of de stiltecoupé: sommige producten wil je omhelzen en andere het raam uitgooien. Maar hoe komt dat? Het is vaak lastig er de vinger op te leggen; je kunt de kwaliteit van een ontwerp namelijk niet (alleen) beoordelen op het uit
Usability in product development practice
An exploratory case study comparing four markets
This study explored how usability was dealt with in four product development organizations active in different sectors: high-end automotive, professional printers and copiers, office coffee makers and fast moving consumer goods. The primary differentiators of the selected cases w