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A. Kislaya

6 records found

Particle Manipulation-on-chip

Using programmable hydrodynamic forcing in a closed loop

The precise manipulation of particles and droplets is crucial to many microfluidic applications in engineering. The design of microfluidic devices is generally tailored to perform a specific task, with each specific application requiring a unique and fixed design. In this way, us ...
Manipulating particles is of interest in diverse fields of engineering. Generally, manipulation activities carried out in micro-devices have a fixed design tailored to specific task. To address this issue, we designed a Hele-Shaw flow cell with "virtual" channels generated by uni ...


A novel framework to study unsteady microfluidic flows

Abstract: In microscopic particle image velocimetry (micro-PIV), correlation averaging over multiple frames is often required, leading to a loss in temporal resolution, therefore limiting the measurement accuracy for unsteady flows. Here, we present a new PIV method suitable to s ...
The durability of prosthetic arteriovenous (AV) grafts for hemodialysis access is low, predominantly due to stenotic lesions in the venous outflow tract and infectious complications. Tissue engineered blood vessels (TEBVs) might offer a tailor-made autologous alternative for pros ...
In micro-PIV, reaching the optimum image density has always been difficult due to high displacement gradient, coagulation of particles at the inlet and due to particles adhering to the surface to name a few. The most widely used method is to take ensemble correlation average of m ...
The use of optical diffusers for the reduction of peak-locking errors in particle image velocimetry is investigated. The working principle of the optical diffusers is based on the concept of birefringence, where the incoming rays are subject to different deflections depending on ...