15 records found
The relation of cool flames and auto-ignition phenomena to process safety at elevated pressure and temperature.
Determination of the laminar burning velocity and the Markstein length of powder-air flames
The influence of injector design on the decay of pre-ignition turbulence in a spherical explosion chamber.
On the transient flow in the 20-liter explosion sphere.
On the sensitivity of the maximum explosion pressure of a dust deflagration to turbulence.
Process Safety at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures: Cool flames and auto-ignition phenomena.
Brief overview of preventive and protective systems against explosion in the process industry.
Dust explosions; A study of flame propgation.
Laser Inginition of Single Particles.
Effect of Burning Velocity, Flame Thickness, and Turbulence on Dust Explosion Severty.
Laser ignition of single particles and particle clouds.
The measurement of pre-ignition turbulence during dust explosion testing.
Ignition of single magnesium particles.