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E Bol
Academic Work (11)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (4)
Poster (6)
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11 records found
The tungsten metallome of Pyrococcus furiosus
Poster (2009) -
A.M. Sevcenco (author)
A.M. Sevcenco (author)
Martijn Pinkse (author)
Martijn W.H. Pinkse (author)
MWH Pinkse (author)
M.W.H. Pinkse (author)
E Bol (author)
GC Krijger (author)
Hubert Th. Wolterbeek (author)
Bert Wolterbeek (author)
Hubert T. Wolterbeek (author)
Hubert Th Wolterbeek (author)
Hubert Wolterbeek (author)
HT Wolterbeek (author)
H. T. Wolterbeek (author)
H.T. Wolterbeek (author)
P.D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
Peter D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
Peter Leon Hagedoorn (author)
P.L. Hagedoorn (author)
PL Hagedoorn (author)
Peter L. Hagedoorn (author)
Peter-Leon Hagedoorn (author)
Wilfred R. Hagen (author)
W.R. Hagen (author)
Fred Hagen (author)
WR Hagen (author)
The tungsten metallome of Pyrococcus furiosus
Journal article (2009) -
A.M. Sevcenco (author)
A.M. Sevcenco (author)
Martijn Pinkse (author)
Martijn W.H. Pinkse (author)
MWH Pinkse (author)
M.W.H. Pinkse (author)
E Bol (author)
GC Krijger (author)
Hubert Th. Wolterbeek (author)
Bert Wolterbeek (author)
Hubert T. Wolterbeek (author)
Hubert Th Wolterbeek (author)
Hubert Wolterbeek (author)
HT Wolterbeek (author)
H. T. Wolterbeek (author)
H.T. Wolterbeek (author)
P.D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
Peter D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
Peter Leon Hagedoorn (author)
P.L. Hagedoorn (author)
PL Hagedoorn (author)
Peter L. Hagedoorn (author)
Peter-Leon Hagedoorn (author)
Wilfred R. Hagen (author)
W.R. Hagen (author)
Fred Hagen (author)
WR Hagen (author)
A steady-state and pre-steady-state kinetics study of the tungstoenzyme formaldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase from Pyrococcus furiosis
Journal article (2008) -
E Bol (author)
NJ Broers (author)
WR Hagen (author)
Wilfred R. Hagen (author)
Fred Hagen (author)
W.R. Hagen (author)
Biochemistry of tungstoenzymses from Pyrococcus furiosus
Doctoral thesis (2007) -
E Bol (author)
Redox chemistry of tungsten and iron-sulfur prosthetic groups in Pyrococcus furiosus formaldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase
Journal article (2006) -
E Bol (author)
LE Bevers (author)
P.L. Hagedoorn (author)
Peter-Leon Hagedoorn (author)
PL Hagedoorn (author)
Peter L. Hagedoorn (author)
Peter Leon Hagedoorn (author)
W.R. Hagen (author)
Fred Hagen (author)
WR Hagen (author)
Wilfred R. Hagen (author)
Towards metal-filtered functional proteomics: detecting and characterizing metal containing proteins by native-native 2D-GE
Poster (2006) -
E Bol (author)
GC Krijger (author)
Wilfred R. Hagen (author)
Fred Hagen (author)
WR Hagen (author)
W.R. Hagen (author)
WOR5, a novel tungsten-containing aldehyde oxidoreductase from Pyrococcus furiosus with a broad substrate specificity
Journal article (2005) -
LE Bevers (author)
E Bol (author)
P.L. Hagedoorn (author)
Peter-Leon Hagedoorn (author)
PL Hagedoorn (author)
Peter L. Hagedoorn (author)
Peter Leon Hagedoorn (author)
W.R. Hagen (author)
Fred Hagen (author)
WR Hagen (author)
Wilfred R. Hagen (author)
Towards metal-filtered functional proteomics: detecting and characterizing metal containing proteins by native-native 2D-GE
Poster (2004) -
E Bol (author)
GC Krijger (author)
Wilfred R. Hagen (author)
Fred Hagen (author)
WR Hagen (author)
W.R. Hagen (author)
Molybdenum substitution in tungstoenzymes of pyrococcus furiosus
Poster (2004) -
LE Bevers (author)
E Bol (author)
P.L. Hagedoorn (author)
Peter-Leon Hagedoorn (author)
PL Hagedoorn (author)
Peter L. Hagedoorn (author)
Peter Leon Hagedoorn (author)
W.R. Hagen (author)
Fred Hagen (author)
WR Hagen (author)
Wilfred R. Hagen (author)
Towards metal-filtered functional proteomics: detecting and characterizing metal containing proteins by native-native 2D-GE
Poster (2004) -
E Bol (author)
GC Krijger (author)
Wilfred R. Hagen (author)
Fred Hagen (author)
WR Hagen (author)
W.R. Hagen (author)
Towards metal-filtered functional proteomics: detecting and characterizing metal containing proteins by native-native 2D-GE
Poster (2004) -
E Bol (author)
GC Krijger (author)
Wilfred R. Hagen (author)
Fred Hagen (author)
WR Hagen (author)
W.R. Hagen (author)