Christoph Adelmann

23 records found

It is envisaged that spintronic logic devices will ultimately be utilized in hybrid CMOS-spintronic systems where signal interconversion between magnetic and electrical domains via transducers takes place. This underscores the vital role of transducers in influencing the overall ...
While Spin Waves (SW) interaction provides natural support for low power Majority (MAJ) gate implementations many hurdles still exists on the road towards the realization of practically relevant SW circuits. In this paper we leave the SW interaction avenue and propose Threshold L ...
Recent theoretical and experimental spintronics developments clearly indicate that Spin Waves (SW) interference based Majority gates (MAJ3) open an alternative road towards ultra low-power circuit implementations potentially capable to outperform CMOS counterparts. However, hurdl ...
Current Spin Wave (SW) state-of-the-art computing relies on wave interference for achieving low power circuits. Despite recent progress, many hurdles, e.g., gate cascading, fan-out achievement, still exist. In a previous work, we introduced a novel SW phase shift based computatio ...
While Spin Waves (SW) interaction provides natural support for low power Majority (MAJ) gate implementations many hurdles still exists on the road towards the realization of practically relevant SW circuits. In this paper we leave the SW interaction avenue and propose Threshold L ...
Spin Waves (SWs), by their nature, are excited by means of voltage driven or current driven cells under two modes: Continuous Mode Operation (CMO), and Pulse Mode Operation (PMO). Moreover, the low throughput of the SW technology (caused by its high latency) can be enhanced by wa ...

Spintronic logic

From transducers to logic gates and circuits

While magnetic solid-state memory has found commercial applications to date, magnetic logic has rather remained on a conceptual level so far. Here, we discuss open challenges of different spintronic logic approaches, which use magnetic excitations for computation. While different ...
By their very nature, Spin Waves (SWs) excited at the same frequency but different amplitudes, propagate through waveguides and interfere with each other at the expense of ultra-low energy consumption. In addition, all (part) of the SW energy can be moved from one waveguide to an ...
By their very nature Spin Waves (SWs) enable the realization of energy efficient circuits, as they propagate and interfere within waveguides without consuming noticeable energy. However, SW computing can be even more energy efficient by taking advantage of the approximate computi ...

A Spin Wave-Based Approximate 4:2 Compressor

Seeking the most energy-efficient digital computing paradigm

In this article, we propose an energy-efficient spin wave (SW)-based approximate 4:2 compressor including three- and five-input majority gates. We validate our proposal by means of micromagnetic simulations and assess and compare its performance with state-of-the-art SW 45-nm CMO ...
In the early stages of a novel technology development, it is difficult to provide a comprehensive assessment of its potential capabilities and impact. Nevertheless, some preliminary estimates can be drawn and are certainly of great interest and in this paper we follow this line o ...
By their very nature, spin waves (SWs) with different frequencies can propagate through the same waveguide, while mostly interfering with their own species. Therefore, more SW encoded data sets can coexist, propagate, and interact in parallel, which opens the road toward hardware ...
Having multi-output logic gates saves much energy because the same structure can be used to feed multiple inputs of next stage gates simultaneously. This paper proposes novel triangle shape fanout of 2 spin wave Majority and XOR gates; the Majority gate is achieved by phase detec ...
By their very nature, voltage/current excited Spin Waves (SWs) propagate through waveguides without consuming noticeable power. If SW excitation is performed by the continuous application of voltages/currents to the input, which is usually the case, the overall energy consumption ...
The key enabling factor for Spin Wave (SW) technology utilization for building ultra low power circuits is the ability to energy efficiently cascade SW basic computation blocks. SW Majority gates, which constitute a universal gate set for this paradigm, operating on phase encoded ...
Magnonics is a budding research field in nanomagnetism and nanoscience that addresses the use of spin waves (magnons) to transmit, store, and process information. The rapid advancements of this field during last one decade in terms of upsurge in research papers, review articles, ...
Spin Waves (SWs) propagate through magnetic waveguides and interfere with each other without consuming noticeable energy, which opens the road to new ultra-low energy circuit designs. In this paper we build upon SW features and propose a novel energy efficient Full Adder (FA) des ...
By their very nature, Spin Waves (SWs) consume ultra-low amounts of energy, which makes them suitable for ultra-low energy consumption applications. In addition, a compressor can be utilized to further reduce the energy consumption and enhance the speed of a multiplier. Therefore ...
This paper presents a 2-output Spin-Wave Programmable Logic Gate structure able to simultaneously evaluate any pair of AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, and XNOR Boolean functions. Our proposal provides the means for fanout achievement within the Spin Wave computation domain and energy an ...
This paper provides a tutorial overview over recent vigorous efforts to develop computing systems based on spin waves instead of charges and voltages. Spin-wave computing can be considered a subfield of spintronics, which uses magnetic excitations for computation and memory appli ...