The purpose of this research is to extend knowledge on adding value to office employees (end users) due to smart technology implementation. The focus of this research document is given to end users since the problem statement emphasises a need of a strategic change in CREM’s acti
The purpose of this research is to extend knowledge on adding value to office employees (end users) due to smart technology implementation. The focus of this research document is given to end users since the problem statement emphasises a need of a strategic change in CREM’s activities related to smart technology implementation. The problem statement explains the recognized paradox. On the one hand smart technologies are the components of Smart Office Real Estate which should serve its end users – office employees. On the other hand , it seems that smart technology implementation initiative is a top-down process which causes issues such as peoples’ fear or privacy concerns. The proposed in this research strategic change implies focusing on employee-oriented IoT implementation initiative. The research main question is ‘how can Corporate Real Estate Managers (CREM) shape Internet of Things (IoT) initiative which adds value to office employees?’. The research methodology combines systematic literature review and case study methods. The case study method consists of two parts: in-depth interviewees (incl. appendage) and desk research. The research have an explorative character. The appointed mixed methodology allows to gather information from practice and at the same time ensure its reliability. The research analysis presents a comprehensive process design. The process design framework visualises actors, steps and phases of IoT implementation initiative. Additionally the research addresses implemented within investigated case studies smart technology and its explains its added value. Both findings guide CREM on how to shape an IoT initiative due to: (1) clarifying their role in the comprehensive IoT implementation process and (2) indicating application functionalities and data which CREM should pay attention to in order to add value to office employees. The research findings are highly relevant to the multiple actors, primarily CREM’s practices in current changing RE market.