A design framework for the initial design of a Shop Floor Planning and Control (SFPC)system for a Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) component supply chain has beendeveloped. It combines proven design methods developed for the control challenges presentfor MRO processes and
A design framework for the initial design of a Shop Floor Planning and Control (SFPC)system for a Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) component supply chain has beendeveloped. It combines proven design methods developed for the control challenges presentfor MRO processes and introduces an information requirement mapping that reaches beyondthe control boundary of the SFPC system. This is achieved by integrating these with thedesign criteria for current methods for production control design. The goal was to develop adeployable production control system in the component MRO organization.The study developed the criteria for an information integrated production control by exploringa generic MRO process control function and concluded that information must be regarded anintegrated part of the control design as it drives this process and stretches from supply chainlevel, down to the shop floor. The criteria are detailed with specific information requirementsof the process. System robustness and stability must be considered when evaluating thesecriteria and deal with the lack of validated design data in the initial design phase.The framework is developed for exploration of information quality and dependencies of theprocess. It calls for graphical representation of the logistic and information flows of theprocess, before configuring the entire production control with known methods. With theselected production control configuration, the control driving information can be characterizedand improved for robust and stable parameter design, using Taguchi’s approach.In a case study valid and functional designs were generated for production control systems ingeneral. These could, however not be deployed directly due to the lack of a validated modelfor the specific performance environment. Robust and stabilizing potential are significant butalso revealed a negative correlation.The study demonstrates the importance of information modelling within complex productionsystems. It presents a structure for information requirement integration into control designof control layers. It is recommended that the framework is subjected to validation studies forspecific environments. With a development such as Industry 4.0, control in component MROsupply chains should make use of an integrated approaches over the different control layers.