Temperature can significantly affect fatigue delamination growth (FDG) behavior in composites, while fiber bridging has been frequently reported during FDG. The focus of this study was therefore on investigating temperature effects on FDG behavior with fiber bridging. Mode I fati
Temperature can significantly affect fatigue delamination growth (FDG) behavior in composites, while fiber bridging has been frequently reported during FDG. The focus of this study was therefore on investigating temperature effects on FDG behavior with fiber bridging. Mode I fatigue delamination experiments were conducted on a thermoset composite laminates M30SC/DT120 at different temperatures. The Paris relation and fatigue resistance curve (i.e. fatigue R-curve) were used to interpret bridging effects on FDG behavior and to explore temperature effects on fiber bridging development. A modified Paris relation was employed to determine the effects of temperature on the intrinsic FDG behavior at the crack front excluding fiber bridging. The Paris interpretations clearly demonstrate that fiber bridging can significantly retard FDG behavior at different temperatures. Temperature can have different effects on fiber bridging development and the intrinsic FDG behavior. Particularly, elevated temperature can promote more bridging fibers, whereas decreased temperature has negligible influence on fiber bridging. When looking at the intrinsic delamination resistance, mode I FDG can accelerate at elevated temperature but decrease at freezing temperature. Fractographic examinations indicate that fiber/matrix interface debonding is the dominant damage mechanism in mode I FDG at different temperatures. Elevated temperature can lead to the weakening of interface adhesion, contributing to faster intrinsic mode I FDG behavior and more fiber bridging development. And a semi-empirical fatigue model based on normalization was finally proposed to determine mode I intrinsic FDG behavior at different temperatures for engineering applications.