M.C. Verkaik-Poelman

4 records found


Predictive Traffic Signal Control under Uncertainty

Analyzing and Reducing the Impact of Prediction Errors

Predictive traffic signal control pro-actively adapts control decisions to individual vehicle patterns and has the potential to efficiently control traffic in a network reducing congestion. However, in real life, prediction errors will be present, which may influence control perf ...

Structure-free model-based predictive signal control

A sensitivity analysis on a corridor with spillback

Model-based predictive signal control is a popular method to pro-actively control traffic and to reduce the effects of congestion in urban networks. In combination with structure-free controllers, which adapt signal settings in arbitrary order and combination (no imposed cycle ...

Signalized traffic control is important in traffic management to reduce congestion in urban areas. With recent technological developments, more data have become available to the controllers and advanced state estimation and prediction methods have been developed that use these ...


Equity in traffic light control

Identifying- and measuring equity traffic light control. A case study to improve equity at the intersection A050 in Deventer for intelligent Traffic Light Controller: Flowtack

A new generation of intelligent Traffic Light Controllers uses Model Predictive Control to minimise delay at signalised intersections. The conventional cycle of set sequences of green phases is dropped for optimisation purposes. This research uses the ethical theories utilitarian ...