Hydrogen is believed to be an important energy vector in the transition to a more sustainable future. However, there is a scarcity of relevant studies analysing the realistic potential for hydrogen production in specific European regions. In this study, the potential for biomass-
Hydrogen is believed to be an important energy vector in the transition to a more sustainable future. However, there is a scarcity of relevant studies analysing the realistic potential for hydrogen production in specific European regions. In this study, the potential for biomass-derived hydrogen is comprehensively analysed considering a realistic use of current biogenic residues in relevant sectors. However, not all residues can be used for the production of hydrogen and an analysis has to be made to find how much biomass is suited for hydrogen production, what amounts of hydrogen can be produced from biomass and how these amounts compare to the specific needs for renewable hydrogen in this region. This study focused on hydrogen production from agricultural residues to provide hydrogen for oil upgrading processes in petroleum refineries. The results indicate that around 92% of all agricultural residues in west-Andalusia can be used for hydrogen generation. Gasification and pyrolysis have been identified as the best candidates for the processing of the selected residues. An annual amount of 33,029 tons of biomass-based hydrogen can be used to provide 14% of the hydrogen demand for petroleum upgrading processes, thereby reducing the need natural gas in this industry.