The world’s population is aging and as a result chronic illnesses become more widespread. The disease dementia will play a major role in the future of the Netherland. Moreover the people with dementia have to stay at home for as long as possible, which is also in line with their
The world’s population is aging and as a result chronic illnesses become more widespread. The disease dementia will play a major role in the future of the Netherland. Moreover the people with dementia have to stay at home for as long as possible, which is also in line with their wishes. Ommoord is one of the neighbourhoods which can expect an increase of the amount of people with dementia. This thesis investigates how Ommoord should be adapted to improve the quality of life for people with dementia. Design-based research has been used, because the help of stakeholders is needed to solve this complex problem. The tool “Hersenspinsels” has been designed to facilitate co-creation with the involved of the stakeholders. This tool helps the stakeholders to set up a collaboration and to broaden their view. The result is that a better problem statement can be formulated. The developed problem statement can be used by the urbanist to realize a first design. The advantage of using the tool is that the developed solution fits better in the wishes of the stakeholders, it helps to develop a timeframe and it gives information about which solutions should be implemented and in which way. The urbanist has an important role because he or she is the facilitator of the sessions and has to bundle all the information. To make Ommoord dementia-friendly, it should change in a more accessible, comfortable and safe neighbourhood. This thesis describes the development and use of the tool (Hersenspinsels) and the application in Ommoord that resulted in an initial plan for Ommoord.