B. Qu
11 records found
Traces of user activities recorded in online social networks open new possibilities to systematically understand the information diffusion process on social networks. From the online social network WeChat, we collected a large number of information cascade trees, each of which te
Dynamic processes on complex networks
The role of heterogeneity
In the recent decades, various dynamic process models on complex networks have been built to study the mechanisms by which an opinion, a disease or generally the information spreads in real-world networks. For example, opinion models are developed to illustrate the competition of
Online social networks can detailedly and accurately record the activities of human beings and the trajectories of information dissemination over time, which provides us an opportunity to understand the information diffusion process from a renewed, more realistic, data driven mod
Epidemic mitigation via awareness propagation in communication networks
The role of time scales
The participation of individuals in multi-layer networks allows for feedback between network layers, opening new possibilities to mitigate epidemic spreading. For instance, the spread of a biological disease such as Ebola in a physical contact network may trigger the propagation
The nodes in communication networks are possibly and most likely equipped with different recovery resources, which allow them to recover from a virus with different rates. In this paper, we aim to understand know how to allocate the limited recovery resources to efficiently preve
The epidemic spreading has been widely studied in homogeneous cases, where each node may get infected by an infected neighbor with the same rate. However, the infection rate between a pair of nodes, which may depend on e.g. their interaction frequency, is usually heterogeneous an
The prevalence, which is the average fraction of infected nodes, has been studied to evaluate the robustness of a network subject to the spread of epidemics. We explore the vulnerability (infection probability) of each node in the metastable state with a given effective infection
In this work, we aim to understand the influence of the heterogeneity of infection rates on the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS) epidemic spreading. Employing the classic SIS model as the benchmark, we study the influence of the independently identically distributed infecti
The epidemic spreading over a network has been studied for years by applying the mean-field approach in both homogeneous case, where each node may get infected by an infected neighbor with the same rate, and heterogeneous case, where the infection rates between different pairs of