Z Yuan

14 records found

The increasing growth of dispersed generation not only changes the structure of the typical power system but also changes the way short and long term stability is handled due to lack of synchronous rotor inertia. The Virtual Synchronous Generator (VSG), which is a device that emu ...
This paper presents a new component within the flexible ac-transmission system (FACTS) family, called distributed power-flow controller (DPFC). The DPFC is derived from the unified power-flow controller (UPFC). The DPFC can be considered as a UPFC with an eliminated common dc lin ...
Fault current limiters (FCLs) are expected to play an important role in the protection of future power grids. Inductive FCLs are particularly interesting due to their inherent reaction to a fault, but are not commercialized because of a too large amount of magnetic material and a ...
Browse > Conferences> Power Electronics Conference Back to Results DPFC design procedure - a case study using the KEPCO UPFC as an example 5542343 searchabstract Zhihui Yuan ; de Haan, S.W.H. ; Ferreira, B. ; Delft Univ. of Technol., Delft, Netherlands This paper a ...
The Distributed Power Flow Controller (DPFC) is a new device within the FACTS family. It is emerged from the UPFC and has relatively low cost and a high reliability. The DPFC consists of two types of converters that are in shunt and series connected to grids. The common dc link b ...
Abstract This paper studies the capability of the DPFC to damp low frequency power oscillation. The POD controller parameters are calculated by using the residue method. It is shown that the DPFC has the capability of damping multiple frequency oscillations at the same time. Sinc ...
Abstract Most of FACTS devices and grid connected converters need the information about the frequency and phase of the grid for synchronization and control. In some cases, the value to be measured that is used as synchronization signal is at remote bus or at a different voltage p ...
The separated interline power flow controller (S-IPFC) presented is a new concept for a FACTS device. The S-IPFC is an adapted version of the IPFC, which eliminates the common dc link of the IPFC and enable the separate installation of the converters. Without location constrain, ...
The UPFC is the most powerful power flow controller recently, and because of the exchange of active power between the shunt and series parts, they have to be located at the same place. This paper presents a new concept to transmit power without the common dc link of the UPFC, whi ...