Jeroen S. van Zon
4 records found
Organoids are a major new tool to study tissue renewal. However, characterizing the underlying differentiation dynamics remains challenging. Here, we developed TypeTracker, which identifies cell fates by AI-enabled cell tracking and propagating end point fates back along the bran
During renewal of the intestine, cells are continuously generated by proliferation. Proliferation and differentiation must be tightly balanced, as any bias toward proliferation results in uncontrolled exponential growth. Yet, the inherently stochastic nature of cells raises the q
Cell Tracking for Organoids
Lessons From Developmental Biology
Organoids have emerged as powerful model systems to study organ development and regeneration at the cellular level. Recently developed microscopy techniques that track individual cells through space and time hold great promise to elucidate the organizational principles of organs
Efficient cell tracking using machine learning and manual error correction
Time-lapse microscopy is routinely used to follow cells within organoids, allowing direct study of division and differentiation patterns. There is an increasing interest in cell tracking in organoids, which makes it possible to study their growth and homeostasis at the singlecell