9 records found

We study the asymptotic behavior of the marginal expected shortfall when the two random variables are asymptotic independent but positively associated, which is modeled by the so-called tail dependent coefficient. We construct an estimator of the marginal expected shortfall, whic ...
We investigate the asymptotic behavior of the Lp-distance between
a monotone function on a compact interval and a smooth estimator
of this function. Our main result is a central limit theorem for the Lp-error
of smooth isotonic estimators obtained by smoothing a Grena ...
In this thesis we address the problem of estimating a curve of interest (which might be a probability density, a failure rate or a regression function) under monotonicity constraints. The main concern is investigating large sample distributional properties of smooth isotonic esti ...
We consider the smoothed maximum likelihood estimator and the smoothed Grenander-type estimator for a monotone baseline hazard rate 0 in the Cox model. We analyze their asymptotic behaviour and show that they are asymptotically normal at rate nm=.2mC1/, when 0 is m 2 times conti ...
We consider Grenander-type estimators for a monotone function (Formula presented.), obtained as the slope of a concave (convex) estimate of the primitive of λ. Our main result is a central limit theorem for the Hellinger loss, which applies to estimation of a probability density, ...
We consider the process Λ̂n−Λn, where Λn is a cadlag step estimator for the primitive Λ of a nonincreasing function λ on [0,1], and Λ̂n is the least concave majorant of Λn. We extend the results in Kulikov and Lopuhaä (2006, ...
We consider two isotonic smooth estimators for a monotone baseline hazard in the Cox model, a maximum smooth likelihood estimator and a Grenander-type estimator based on the smoothed Breslow estimator for the cumulative baseline hazard. We show that they are both asymptotically n ...
We investigate the problems of drift estimation for a shifted Brownian motion and intensity estimation for a Cox process on a finite interval [0,T], when the risk is given by the energy functional associated to some fractional Sobolev space . In both situations, Cramér–Rao lowe ...
We consider kernel smoothed Grenander-type estimators for a monotone hazard rate and a monotone density in the presence of randomly right censored data. We show that they converge at rate n2/5 and that the limit distribution at a fixed point is Gaussian with explicitly given mean ...