Hieab H.H. Adams

10 records found

GenNet framework

Interpretable deep learning for predicting phenotypes from genetic data

Applying deep learning in population genomics is challenging because of computational issues and lack of interpretable models. Here, we propose GenNet, a novel open-source deep learning framework for predicting phenotypes from genetic variants. In this framework, interpretable an ...
Cortical thickness, surface area and volumes (MRI cortical measures) vary with age and cognitive function, and in neurological and psychiatric diseases. We examined heritability, genetic correlations and genome-wide associations of cortical measures across the whole cortex, and i ...
Finding automatically multiple lesions in large images is a common problem in medical image analysis. Solving this problem can be challenging if, during optimization, the automated method cannot access information about the location of the lesions nor is given single examples of ...
The gap between predicted brain age using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and chronological age may serve as a biomarker for early-stage neurodegeneration. However, owing to the lack of large longitudinal studies, it has been challenging to validate this link. We aimed to invest ...

Full exploitation of high dimensionality in brain imaging

The JPND working group statement and findings

Advances in technology enable increasing amounts of data collection from individuals for biomedical research. Such technologies, for example, in genetics and medical imaging, have also led to important scientific discoveries about health and disease. The combination of multiple t ...
Cognition in adults shows variation due to developmental and degenerative components. A recent genomewide association study identified genetic variants for general cognitive function in 148 independent loci. Here, we aimed to elucidate possible developmental and neurodegenerative ...
Subcortical brain structures are integral to motion, consciousness, emotions and learning. We identified common genetic variation related to the volumes of the nucleus accumbens, amygdala, brainstem, caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, putamen and thalamus, using genome-wide associ ...
Background: It is increasingly recognized that the complex functions of human cognition are not accurately represented by arbitrarily-defined anatomical brain regions. Given the considerable functional specialization within such regions, more fine-grained studies of brain structu ...