Asel Maria Aguilar Sanchez

6 records found

Recommendation of RILEM TC 271-ASC

New accelerated test procedure for the assessment of resistance of natural stone and fired-clay brick units against salt crystallization

This recommendation is devoted to testing the resistance of natural stone and fired-clay brick units against salt crystallization. The procedure was developed by the RILEM TC 271-ASC to evaluate the durability of porous building materials against salt crystallization through a la ...
Salt crystallization is a major cause of damage in porous building materials. Accelerated salt weathering tests carried out in the laboratory are among the most common methods to assess the durability of material to salt decay. However, existing standards and recommendations for ...

Towards a new salt crystallisation test

Comparison of salt contamination procedure

The RILEM TC 271-ASC is currently developing a new ageing test to assess the
resistance of porous building materials to salt crystallisation. The new test consists of two phases: salt accumulation and damage propagation. This paper focuses on the salt accumulation phase; this ...
The RILEM TC ASC-271 is developing a new laboratory test to assess the durability of porous building materials to salt crystallisation. The test encompasses two phases: salt accumulation and damage propagation. This paper focuses on designing a procedure for the accumulation phas ...