Jaap Kool
2 records found
Discovering cancer pathways
By inferring combinatorial association logic
In this study, 43 tumors that were induced by retroviral insertional mutagenesis are expression profiled, resulting in a dataset for which both the initiating events (the viral integration sites) as well as the consequent expression profiles are available.
To capture complex ...
To capture complex ...
Discovering cooperating oncogenes
By statistical analysis of Retroviral Insertional Mutagenesis Data
Viruses can induce oncogenic mutations when inserted near (or within) proto-oncogenes. Cancer genes can be identified by determining the loci of viral
insertions from tumors induced by retroviruses. Most often, multiple co-occurring mutations are needed for a cell to develop ...
insertions from tumors induced by retroviruses. Most often, multiple co-occurring mutations are needed for a cell to develop ...