The coronavirus, which emerged worldwide in 2020, has raised concerns about viral safety in air travel. Less passengers fly due to the imposed restrictions and the fear of catching the virus while traveling. These concerns might have a long-term impact on travel patterns, with ne
The coronavirus, which emerged worldwide in 2020, has raised concerns about viral safety in air travel. Less passengers fly due to the imposed restrictions and the fear of catching the virus while traveling. These concerns might have a long-term impact on travel patterns, with nearly a third of travelers planning to fly less after the pandemic. The aviation industry, an important part of the global economy which provides 65.5 million jobs worldwide, has been hard hit since the virus outbreak. Experts agree that addressing new passenger concerns will be critical as their willingness to fly will drive the recovery. Developed in collaboration with the aircraft manufacturer Embraer, this project explored ways to increase the perception of viral safety in current aircraft, and translated these findings into a product proposal, which provides a feeling of safety and privacy during a flight. To understand the factors influencing the perception of viral safety, interviews were conducted with recent flyers and flight attendants. The collected data showed that contracting the virus is a big worry, especially while eating. Not only does it reduce the feeling of safety, it also exposes passengers to the risk of infection as a result of removing the masks. In order to facilitate ideation, a brainstorming session with aviation experts was conducted. Prototypes were developed and tested with travelers using virtual reality technology to define solutions that evoke a sense of safety. The combination of insights allowed for the development of "COVR" – an aircraft interior element that separates passengers, providing a feeling of viral safety and, as a result, increasing the willingness to fly.