11 records found
Detailed simulation of morphodynamics: 2. Sediment pickup, transport, and deposition
Detailed simulation of morphodynamics: 3. Ripples and dunes
Detailed simulation of morphodynamics: 1. Hydrodynamic model
State-of-the-art modeling of bedform dynamics: Vertical 2D versus 3D-LES
Simulation of subaqueous dunes using detailed hydrodynamics
A 3D model of detailed hydrodynamics with sediment transport for simulation of subaqueous
The effect of local inflow angle, cross & parallel, on the section performance of a rotor blade
Final report of IEA annex XVIII: Enhanced field rotor aerodynamics database
IEA Annex XIV/XVII field rotor aerodynamics
Pressure distribution on rotor blade of three-dimensional field and two-dimensional wind tunnel tests
Unsteady pressure distribution on rotating blade of Mie university open air rotor research facility