S. Abrishami
3 records found
Success Likelihood Index Model (SLIM) is one of the widely-used deterministic techniques in human reliability assessment especially when data is insufficient. However, this method suffers from epistemic uncertainty as it extremely relies on expert judgment for determining the mod
A data-based comparison of BN-HRA models in assessing human error probability
An offshore evacuation case study
Bayesian Network (BN) has been increasingly exploited to improve different aspects of Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), resulting in a new generation of HRA techniques, known as BN-HRA models. However, validating and evaluating the accuracy of BN-HRA models is still a challenging
Success Likelihood Index Model (SLIM) is one of the widely-used methods in human reliability assessment especially when data is insufficient. However, this method suffers from uncertainty as it heavily relies on expert judgment for determining the model parameters such as the rat