The Escalating City is a public highrise project located next to The Hague central station. Due to the lack of buildable space, a different suitable location had to be found. The potentials of an infrastructural node nearby the station were interesting to me. Seemingly it is not
The Escalating City is a public highrise project located next to The Hague central station. Due to the lack of buildable space, a different suitable location had to be found. The potentials of an infrastructural node nearby the station were interesting to me. Seemingly it is not a place to make a building, due to the neclegted state. But it is full of opportunities to connect the new public building to the flows of the city and allowing optimal access. The building rests on 4 super columns (or cores), supporting the whole structure. This structural strategy opens up a variety of possibilties. Firstly, it creates the possibilty for the tunnel, roads, tram tracks, cycling paths and buslanes to flowing underneath the building. Secondly, the absence of a central core provides lots of freedom on the floorplans and made it possible for the diagonal elevator tubes to go through.