Kelvyn Jones
4 records found
Ageing and cohort trajectories in mental ill-health
An exploration using multilevel models
Analyses of health over time must consider the potential impacts of ageing as well as any effects relating to cohort differences. The British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) and Understanding Society longitudinal studies are employed to assess trends in mental ill-health over a 26-
Deprived neighbourhoods have long been associated with poorer health outcomes. However, many quantitative studies have not evidenced the mechanisms through which place ‘gets under the skin’ to influence health. The increasing prevalence of biosocial data provides new opportunitie
Modelling residential segregation as unevenness and clustering
A multilevel modelling approach incorporating spatial dependence and tackling the MAUP
Traditional studies of residential segregation use a descriptive index approach with predefined spatial units to report the degree of neighbourhood differentiation. We develop a model-based approach which explicitly includes spatial effects at multiple scales, recognising the com
Decomposing Multi‐Level Ethnic Segregation in Auckland, New Zealand, 2001–2013
Segregation Intensity for Multiple Groups at Multiple Scales
There has been a growing appreciation that the processes generating urban residential segregation operate at multiple scales, stimulating innovations into the measurement of their outcomes. This paper applies a multi‐level modelling approach to that issue to the situation in Auck