This report offers an overview of the available technologies for energy renovation and renewable energy supply at the district level. As anticipated, this is the second edition of the Technology Overview Report published in 2020 (and made available on the IEA EBC Annex 75 website
This report offers an overview of the available technologies for energy renovation and renewable energy supply at the district level. As anticipated, this is the second edition of the Technology Overview Report published in 2020 (and made available on the IEA EBC Annex 75 website since then), completing the set of final reports developed by IEA EBC Annex 75. The first edition was the first of IEA EBC Annex 75 deliverables and documented the work of Subtask A – Technology Overview. It served as a necessary reference for other subtasks, providing helpful information for assessing district renovation examples, especially for the simulations of the case studies and generic districts used in this project to test and verify the developed methodology.@en