Kun Song
7 records found
Après la première guerre de l'Opium en 1840, plusiers villes chinoisees ont peu à peu é'te ouvertes comme ports de traité commerciaux. L'industrialisation et l'urbanisation se sont développées à un rythme rapide, ce qui a provoqué une croissance de la population urbaine et une pé
The Chinese government has taken actions to promote energy efficiency through the renovation of residential buildings in the Northern Heating Region. Homeowners have been encouraged to undertake government-led energy efficiency renovation; however, their decisions to undertake th
In China’s government-led energy efficient renovation of residential buildings, homeowners’ participation refers to their involvement and engagement throughout the process. Lacking homeowners’ participation has brought difficulties in the execution and financing of the projects.
In China, energy efficiency retrofit of residential buildings is entering a new stage in which homeowners are the main subject. In order to investigate homeowners’ willingness to invest and to analyze its influencing factors, interviews and a questionnaire survey were conducted i
Planning Modern Cities in China
Urban Construction Regulations of Concessions in Tianjin (1860-1945)
Tianjin, one of the so-called Treaty Ports that opened to foreign trade under the unequal treaties was home to nine foreign concessions. In each concession, the foreign powers created urban forms and functions that mirrored practices in their respective home countries. This artic
Reluctance to Adopt Energy Efficiency Renovation in Chinese Households
A Behavioural Perspective
Chinese government has taken great effort to improve the energy efficiency of existing housing stock. In the northern heating region, the energy performance of existing housing stock has improved considerably through renovation projects in recent years. However, at the moment, al
European, American, and Japanese debates on public housing served as models for those in modern China, and Chinese scholars and professionals, with the support of the KMT (Kuomintang), developed public housing as a sign of innovation in both societal reform and building typology.