Niko Wanders

7 records found

‘Een deel van de waterwereld” wil het momentum van wateroverlast en storm van de afgelopen weken benutten voor een absolute voorrangspositie van bodem en water boven andere belangen zoals „wonen, energievoorziening, transportinfrastructuur, natuur”. Dat stellen Ties Rijcken en Fr ...
Human activities both aggravate and alleviate streamflow drought. Here we show that aggravation is dominant in contrasting cases around the world analysed with a consistent methodology. Our 28 cases included different combinations of human-water interactions. We found that water ...


A 5 arcmin global hydrological and water resources model

We present PCR-GLOBWB 2, a global hydrology and water resources model. Compared to previous versions of PCR-GLOBWB, this version fully integrates water use. Sector-specific water demand, groundwater and surface water withdrawal, water consumption, and return flows are dynamically ...

Human-water interface in hydrological modelling

Current status and future directions

Over recent decades, the global population has been rapidly increasing and human activities have altered terrestrial water fluxes to an unprecedented extent. The phenomenal growth of the human footprint has significantly modified hydrological processes in various ways (e.g. irrig ...

Drought in a human-modified world

Reframing drought definitions, understanding, and analysis approaches

In the current human-modified world, or Anthropocene, the state of water stores and fluxes has become dependent on human as well as natural processes. Water deficits (or droughts) are the result of a complex interaction between meteorological anomalies, land surface processes, an ...
Drought propagation through the terrestrial hydrological cycle is associated with a change in drought characteristics (duration and deficit), moving from precipitation via soil moisture to discharge. Here we investigate climate controls on drought propagation with a modeling expe ...