Ahmad Abushaikha

5 records found

We apply Massively Parallel Interface for MPFA-O scheme with state-of-the-art Operator-Based Linearization (OBL) approach for multiphase flow in porous media. The implementation of MPFA-O scheme enhances the modelling capabilities for non-K-orthogonal mesh. A fully implicit schem ...
The properties of fluids flowing in a petroleum reservoir are quantified by understanding the thermodynamic behavior of each flowing phase in the system. This work describes proper techniques to formulate and execute a thermodynamic model for accurately predicting the equilibrium ...
The continuous progress of reservoir monitoring technology provides encouraging capacities to reduceuncertainties in the subsurface characterization and to mitigate risks in field development applying thereservoir simulation approach. However, it is always challenging to take ful ...
We present a new fully-implicit, mixed-hybrid, finite-element (MHFE) discretization scheme for general-purpose compositional reservoir simulation. The locally conservative scheme solves the coupled momentum and mass balance equations simultaneously, and the fluid system is modele ...
We present a fully implicit mixed hybrid finite-element (FE) formulation for general-purpose compositional reservoir simulation. The formulation is locally conservative, and the momentum and mass balance equations are solved simultaneously; including Lagrange multipliers on eleme ...