Josephine Evans

3 records found

We study the long-time behaviour of a run and tumble model which is a kinetic-transport equation describing bacterial movement under the effect of a chemical stimulus. The experiments suggest that the non-uniform tumbling kernels are physically relevant ones as opposed to the uni ...
We prove that linear and weakly nonlinear run and tumble equations converge to a unique steady state solution with an exponential rate in a weighted total variation distance. In the linear setting, our result extends the previous results to an arbitary dimension d≥1 while relaxin ...
We study convergence to equilibrium of the linear relaxation Boltz-mann (also known as linear BGK) and the linear Boltzmann equations either on the torus (x, v) ε Td x Rd or on the whole space (x, v) ε Rd x Rd with a confining potential ...