R. Shamasundar

6 records found

Dispersion error analysis can help to assess the performance of finite-element discretizations of the wave equation. Although less general than the convergence estimates offered by standard finite-element error analysis, it can provide more detailed insight as well as practical g ...

Finite Element Methods for Seismic Imaging

Cost Reduction through mass matrix preconditioning by defect correction

Demand for hydrocarbon fuel is predicted to keep increasing in the coming decades in spite of easily accessible alternative fuels due to shifting geopolitical and economic situations. In order to find new hydrocarbon pockets, we need sharper images of earth’s subsurface. Also, th ...
Finite elements can, in some cases, outperform finite-difference methods for modelling wave propagation in complex geological models with topography. In the weak form of the finiteelement method, the delta function is a natural way to represent a point source. If, instead of the ...
For seismic modelling, imaging and inversion, finite-difference methods are still the workhorse of the industry despite their inability to meet the increasing demand for improved accuracy in subsurface imaging. Finiteelement methods offer better accuracy but at a higher computati ...
The second-order formulation of the wave equation is often used for spectral-element discretizations. For some applications, however, a first-order formulation may be desirable. It can, in theory, provide much better accuracy in terms of numerical dispersion if the consistent mas ...