F. Ianovskyi

43 records found

This paper describes the results of the research fulfilled in TU-Delft by joint Ukrainian and Dutch team. It analyzes multi-instrument rain observations, using the instrument set, which includes W-band cloud radar, laser optical disdrometers, weather station, and microwave radiom ...
This paper is devoted to discussing peculiarities of W-band cloud radar calibration. After a brief overview of meteorological radar calibration methods for quantitative information retrieval, we focus on problems and their possible solutions with respect to mm-wave radar calibrat ...
This article proposes a receiving device in which arbitrary input signals are subject to pre-detector processing for the subsequent implementation of the idea of compressing broadband modulated pulses with a matched filter to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and improve resolut ...
This paper proposes generalized mathematical model of different passive interferences and develops an effective algorithm of digital signal processing for detection on the background of them. Models of interferences as random process of K-distribution is used with parametrization ...
The generalized mathematical and computer model of clutter is developed. It is based on K-distribution and can be used for simulation of sea, atmospheric, and land clutter with different characteristics. Examples of model application for testing rank algorithm for clutter suppres ...
This paper considers generalized coherent-polarimetric method of retrieving information about remote objects using electromagnetic waves. Both active and passive electronic systems as well as different objects under observation, operating frequency bands, and physical meaning (in ...
A new model is proposed on how to account for the inertia of scatterers in radar-based turbulence intensity retrieval techniques. Rain drop inertial parameters are derived from fundamental physical laws, which are gravity, the buoyancy force, and the drag force. The inertial dist ...
A model of Doppler-polarimetric radar signals due to rain is developed. It gives Doppler spectra at different combinations of linear polarization of transmitted and received waves. The spectral differential reflectivity and spectral linear depolarization ration and introduced. Th ...
New complexx adaptive algorithms of detection and measurement of turbulence intensity in weather formations are proposed. Algorithms are based on calculation of spectrum estimations by using the signals reflected from the adjacent range bins. Statistical hypothesis about the diff ...
This paper considers new possibilities of turbulence intensity retrieval by using Doppler and Doppler-polarimetric radar sounding. Pecularities of microwave scattering on moving droplets of different size and shape underlie new methods that are introduced, discusssed, and checked ...