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Response to “Discussion of S. Ponsioen, S. Jain and G. Haller

‘Model reduction to spectral submanifolds and forced-response calculation in high-dimensional mechanical systems’, Journal of Sound and Vibration 488, 2020, pages 1-23”

We have reproduced our disputed simulation results from our original article as well as the simulations of the discussion article of Krack and Gross referenced above in the title. We have found several inaccuracies and omissions in the discussion article that invalidate its autho ...
Dynamical systems in engineering and physics are often subject to irregular excitations that are best modeled as random. Monte Carlo simulations are routinely performed on such random models to obtain statistics on their long-term response. Such simulations, however, are prohibit ...
The theory of spectral submanifolds (SSMs) has emerged as a powerful tool for constructing rigorous, low-dimensional reduced-order models (ROMs) of high-dimensional nonlinear mechanical systems. A direct computation of SSMs requires explicit knowledge of nonlinear coefficients in ...
We use the recent theory of spectral submanifolds (SSMs) for model reduction of nonlinear mechanical systems subject to parametric excitations. Specifically, we develop expressions for higher-order nonautonomous terms in the parameterization of SSMs and their reduced dynamics. We ...
Modeling in applied science and engineering targets increasingly ambitious objectives, which typically yield increasingly complex models. Despite major advances in computations, simulating such models with exceedingly high dimensions remains a challenge. Even if technically feasi ...
We present a technique for the direct optimization of conservative backbone curves in nonlinear mechanical systems. The periodic orbits on the conservative backbone are computed analytically using the reduced dynamics of the corresponding Lyapunov subcenter manifold (LSM). In thi ...

Reduced Order Modeling Research Challenge 2023

Nonlinear Dynamic Response Predictions for an Exhaust Cover Plate

A variety of reduced order modeling (ROM) methods for geometrically nonlinear structures have been developed over recent decades, each of which takes a distinct approach, and may have different advantages and disadvantages for a given application. This research challenge is motiv ...
Spectral submanifolds (SSMs) have emerged as accurate and predictive model reduction tools for dynamical systems defined either by equations or data sets. While finite-elements (FE) models belong to the equation-based class of problems, their implementations in commercial solvers ...
For mechanical systems subject to periodic excitation, forced response curves (FRCs) depict the relationship between the amplitude of the periodic response and the forcing frequency. For nonlinear systems, this functional relationship is different for different forcing amplitudes ...
A 1:2 internally resonant mechanical system can undergo secondary Hopf (Neimark-Sacker) bifurcations, resulting in a quasi-periodic response when the system is subject to harmonic excitation. While these quasi-periodic orbits have been observed in practice, their bifurcations are ...
Dynamical systems are often subject to algebraic constraints in conjunction with their governing ordinary differential equations. In particular, multibody systems are commonly subject to configuration constraints that define kinematic compatibility between the motion of different ...
We show how spectral submanifold theory can be used to construct reduced-order models for harmonically excited mechanical systems with internal resonances. Efficient calculations of periodic and quasi-periodic responses with the reduced-order models are discussed in this paper an ...
Invariant manifolds are important constructs for the quantitative and qualitative understanding of nonlinear phenomena in dynamical systems. In nonlinear damped mechanical systems, for instance, spectral submanifolds have emerged as useful tools for the computation of forced resp ...
Very high dimensional nonlinear systems arise in many engineering problems due to semi-discretization of the governing partial differential equations, e.g. through finite element methods. The complexity of these systems present computational challenges for direct application to a ...
Model reduction of large nonlinear systems often involves the projection of the governing equations onto linear subspaces spanned by carefully selected modes. The criteria to select the modes relevant for reduction are usually problem-specific and heuristic. In this work, we prop ...
We propose a reformulation for a recent integral equations approach to steady-state response computation for periodically forced nonlinear mechanical systems. This reformulation results in additional speed-up and better convergence. We show that the solutions of the reformulated ...
We show how spectral submanifold (SSM) theory can be used to extract forced-response curves without any numerical simulation in high-degree-of-freedom, periodically forced mechanical systems. We use multivariate recurrence relations to construct the SSMs, achieving a major speed- ...
The thermal dynamics in thermo-mechanical systems exhibits a much slower time scale compared to the structural dynamics. In this work, we use the method of multiple scales to reduce the thermo-mechanical structural models with a slowly-varying temperature distribution in a system ...
We discuss an integral equation approach that enables fast computation of the response of nonlinear multi-degree-of-freedom mechanical systems under periodic and quasi-periodic external excitation. The kernel of this integral equation is a Green’s function that we compute explici ...
Common trends in model reduction of large nonlinear finite element (FE)-discretized systems involve Galerkin projection of the governing equations onto a low-dimensional linear subspace. Though this reduces the number of unknowns in the system, the computational cost for obtainin ...