B. Abdikivanani

8 records found

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common age-related cardiac arrhythmia. AF is characterized by rapid and irregular electrical activity of the heart leading to a higher risk of stroke and heart failure. During AF, the upper chambers of the heart, called atria, experience chaotic elec ...
Background: Atrial electrograms recorded from the epicardium provide an important tool for studying the initiation, perpetuation, and treatment of AF. However, the properties of these electrograms depend largely on the properties of the electrode arrays that are used for recordin ...
Atrial electrograms are often used to gain understanding on the development of atrial fibrillation (AF). Using such electrograms, cardiologists can reconstruct how the depolarization wave-front propagates across the atrium. Knowing the exact moment at which the depolarization wav ...
Background: Local activation time (LAT) annotation in unipolar electrograms is complicated by interference from nonlocal atrial activities of neighboring tissue. This happens due to the spatial blurring that is inherent to electrogram recordings. In this study, we aim to exploit ...
An electrogram array can be modeled as a spatial convolution of transmembrane currents generated by each activated atrial cell, with an appropriate measurement function that depends on the cells' distance to the electrodes. Compared to electrograms, transmembrane currents suffer ...
Diagnosis and treatment of atrial fibrillation can benefit from various signal processing approaches employed on atrial electrograms. However, the performance and interpretation of these approaches get highly degraded by far-field ventricular activities (VAs) that distort the mor ...
Finding the hidden parameters of the cardiac electrophysiological model would help to gain more insight on the mechanisms underlying atrial fibrillation, and subsequently, facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of the disease in later stages. In this work, we aim to estimate tiss ...
In this study, we propose a novel approach for estimation of local activation times (LATs) in fractionated electrograms. Using an electrophysiological tissue model, we first formulate the electrogram array as a convolution of transmembrane currents with a distance kernel. These c ...