The aim of this study is to reduce the risk of the ongoing Geothermal exploration effort in Geneva Basin by estimating the influence of the natural fracture on the reservoir properties. A Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) was generated to resemble the fracture network in the Lower
The aim of this study is to reduce the risk of the ongoing Geothermal exploration effort in Geneva Basin by estimating the influence of the natural fracture on the reservoir properties. A Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) was generated to resemble the fracture network in the Lower Cretaceous carbonate reservoir. The DFN modelling approach is using a novel workflow that is based on a geomechanical forward modelling simulation approach. Two 2D seismic lines and well data, including interpreted fractures using Borehole Image (BHI) log, were used to prepare the model inputs. Some results were derived from the fracture data that were also used to prepare the model inputs. In general, the fracture data have fairly constant orientation along the Lower Cretaceous interval. In this study the fractures are assumed to be formed under a single tectonic regime. However, when partitioning the fractures in different stratigraphic formations, a change in the direction of the fractures with depth is observed. This observation could be explained by the variation in rock's stiffness between different stratigraphic formations.
Two techniques were used to model the subsurface fracture network: paleo-tectonic stress inversion and fracture network forward modelling techniques. The modelled DFN resembles the fractures geometry at the well location whereas away from the well the model is constrained by the subsurface fault geometry and far-field tectonic stress. Moreover, the modelled DFN consists of multiple 2 meters thick layers where each layer include a layer-bound fracture network. One of the main limitations of this approach is that it can not consider multiple tectonic regimes to simulate the fracture network. In addition, this approach requires large computational power.