E. Tromp

8 records found

For many years the Netherlands has protected itself against high river discharges and storms by means of a network of dikes, dams and (other) hydraulic structures. Traditionally, water safety has therefore mainly been the domain of engineers. In recent decades, the regulations on ...
Flood risk management (FRM) has become a complex sociotechnical issue, one that requires a wide range ofexpertise from science, engineering, and behavioral disciplines. Anyintervention in the flood defense system must meet the requirements of manydifferent stakeholders. Although ...
In the Netherlands, technical innovations for dike strengthening rarely become mainstream. A case study of the redesign process of the dike between Kinderdijk and Schoonhovenseveer suggests that benefitting from the creative capacity of contractors requires organizational learnin ...

Levees in a changing environment

Synchronizing and anticipating local challenges

In recent years, spatial planning and flood risk management (FRM) have been further coupled, thuscreating opportunities to incorporate water management measures in urban construction/reconstructionand landscaping. In addition, it is essential to find more than just technicalsolut ...
The dike reinforcement project Kinderdijk – Schoonhovenseveer (KIS) is part of the Lekdijk, a primary flooddefense that directly protects two major polders in its hinterland fromflooding by the Rhine: the Alblasserwaard and the Vijfheerenlanden polders. Theinitial expansion of lo ...