For the first time, the algorithmic Climate Change Functions (aCCFs) for ozone, methane, water vapor, and persistent contrails have been developed within the ATM4E project to provide information on the climate sensitive regions, which can be conveniently implemented for the clima
For the first time, the algorithmic Climate Change Functions (aCCFs) for ozone, methane, water vapor, and persistent contrails have been developed within the ATM4E project to provide information on the climate sensitive regions, which can be conveniently implemented for the climate based flight routing. These aCCFs need to be verified before they are implemented. In this paper, we focus on the verification of the ozone aCCFs to enable the prediction of the short-term NOx effects from aviation en-route. The verification is conducted from two aspects. Firstly, the climatology of the ozone aCCFs is calculated based on a one-year simulation and verified by the existing literature. Secondly, the effectiveness of the ozone aCCFs for optimizing aircraft trajectories concerning the climate impact is verified by the comprehensive climate-chemistry model calculation. @en