Eva Heinen

3 records found

Stuck in the driver’s seat

A conceptualisation for understanding car dependence and its determinants

Car dependence brings along many negative social and environmental externalities that policymakers and stakeholders need to consider. Nonetheless, the concept is not well defined and lacks a clear framework regarding its determinants and mechanisms, which also leads to problems i ...
Transportation's effects on health and well-being are widely recognized. In the near future, autonomous vehicles (AVs) are expected to revolutionize transportation options and ways of travel. Consequently, the effect of AVs on population health and well-being is a crucial topic o ...

Residential self-selection in quasi-experimental and natural experimental studies

An extended conceptualization of the relationship between the built environment and travel behavior

Despite a large body of research suggesting that the built environment influences individual travel behavior, uncertainty remains about the true nature, size, and strength of any causal relationships between the built environment and travel behavior. Residential self-selection, t ...