A rapid, grid-based, target-search algorithm is presented to find candidate se-quences of small-body encounters for mission design. The algorithm is especially relevant for cases with large combinatorial spaces. In this paper, the al-gorithm is used to identify candidate flyby se
A rapid, grid-based, target-search algorithm is presented to find candidate se-quences of small-body encounters for mission design. The algorithm is especially relevant for cases with large combinatorial spaces. In this paper, the al-gorithm is used to identify candidate flyby sequences of multiple Kuiper-Belt Ob-jects (KBOs). Before reaching the first KBO in the sequence, the trajectories in this paper first use gravity assists at one or more of the giant planets to pump-uptheir orbital energy—reducing launch C3. The target-search algorithm consists offour sequential steps: (1) parameter definition, (2) fine-tuned Lambert-based gridsearch of ballistic trajectories visiting one KBO, (3) rapid, ∆V-based proximitysearch for additional KBOs using the state transition matrices (STMs), and (4) tra-jectory optimization of the most promising KBO sequences using the EvolutionaryMission Trajectory Generator (EMTG). The paper also defines an empirical-basedprocess to characterize the maximum step size for the target arrival dates in theLambert grid search. Lastly, a candidate mission to two KBOs is presented. Theresults indicate that the ∆V computed from the STM propagations is not repre-sentative of the final ∆V computed in EMTG; however, it does serve as a useful‘reachability’ metric to identify nearby KBOs.@en