Jochen Kamm

5 records found


There are indications that some long-dormant or seemingly inactive volcanoes may have potentially active magma storage systems. One such system is Ciomadul volcano, which is located at the south-eastern terminus of the Carpathian volcanic chain (Romania). With the last eruption o ...
Ciomadul volcano, located at the south-eastern terminus of the Carpathian volcanic arc (Romania), is the youngest volcano in eastern-central Europe, with the last eruption occurring at 32 ka. Petrological and geophysical constraints indicate a melt-bearing silicic crystal mush bo ...
Central Mongolia is a prominent region of intra-plate volcanism and deformation. To study these processes, many of which are poorly understood, magnetotelluric data was collected in the Hangai and Gobi-Altai region in central Mongolia. The geologic history of this region exhibits ...
The Valley of the Lakes, south central Mongolia is located between the uplifted Hangai Dome and the Gobi Altai Mountains , within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt . It includes many interesting features, including t he South Hangai f ault system that represents an ancient suture z ...