A strategy and concept design for charging LEFVs in city logistics. Tiler Cargo is a wireless charger for electric cargobikes: Parking equals charging. Bulk charging batteries in the commercial domain result in chaotic situations with dozens of adapters and requires human respons
A strategy and concept design for charging LEFVs in city logistics. Tiler Cargo is a wireless charger for electric cargobikes: Parking equals charging. Bulk charging batteries in the commercial domain result in chaotic situations with dozens of adapters and requires human responsibility to thoroughly perform charging procedures, resulting in reliability and scaleability problems, not to mention fire hazard.
A Vision for LEFV 2031 and an accompanying Roadmap describe the expected developments in the domain of light electric vehicles and wireless charging in the (near-)future.
The charger enables the customer to fluently integrate the cargobike into their fleetmanagement system through wireless connectivity. Remote monitoring enables Tiler and the customer to keep track of the bicycle and the batteries, preventing unpleasant surprises. Tiler Cargo is the connecting element for incorporating the cargobike into sustainable city logistics.