In this graduation project, the aim is to develop a decision guide that will assist Strategiemakers, a strategy consultancy and organisational transformation firm, in addressing the challenge of creating sustainable business strategies for organisations. The current tools and mod
In this graduation project, the aim is to develop a decision guide that will assist Strategiemakers, a strategy consultancy and organisational transformation firm, in addressing the challenge of creating sustainable business strategies for organisations. The current tools and models used in the industry are inadequate and do. not provide the necessary insights into an organisation’s strategic direction. To address this issue, the research project focuses on creating a holistic model that provides a comprehensive approach to the creation of flourishing organisation strategies.
The research project employs a research-by-design approach to develop the concept. This involved exploratory interviews with Strategiemakers employees, interviews with other strategy consultants, strategists within companies, and educational experts. The aim was to define the components necessary for a flourishing organisation, the requirements for a successful flourishing strategy and to examine the tools that can help to create a flourishing strategy.
As a result of the research and ideation, the concept produced four interrelated components: the Bee Flourishing Model, the Tool Inspiration Guide, the Sustainable Tool Storage, and the Back-end Spreadsheet.
The Bee flourishing model is an organisational model starting in the organisation’s core with its purpose and offers a holistic view of the interconnectedness between the impact of an organisation’s business on sustainability and its internal impact within the organisation. The Tool inspiration guide provides Strategiemakers with advice on the selection of tools that are best suited to support their clients’ journey towards a flourishing organisation. This guide adds value to Strategiemakers by better suiting the client’s needs and not forcibly converting the tools they always use. A structured approach to selecting tools for building sessions can help ensure that the strategy for achieving a flourishing organisation is well-thought-out and effective.
The reorderable matrix approach, when applied in a novel way for the back-end spreadsheet, provides a fresh perspective for strategic designers. It enables the visualisation and analysis of interactions between elements, i.e. tools for developing a flourishing strategy and facilitates how tools can be combined to complement each other to fulfil the specific needs or requirements of an organisation.
In conclusion, Strategiemakers can position themselves with this concept as thought leaders in the field of sustainable transformation by conducting research and making their findings open source. The Bee flourishing model can be used by organisations seeking to transform into sustainable entities, and the Tool inspiration guide should be expanded to better align with the requirements for a successful flourishing strategy. To improve usability, it is recommended to establish a hierarchy among the tools and to bring the style of the guide even more in line with Strategiemakers’ style. To stay relevant and up-to-date, Strategiemakers should keep actively researching new tools and expanding the guide, making it a comprehensive resource for the company.